"Its been a hard 2 years since my best friend died "R.I.P. - G.P.A."
He and I were like brothers.
A constant friendly rivalry with music was the drive
that fired our exploration into experimental electronics.
I remember downloading Circuit bending notes from Reed Ghazala
when we were young teens. ( just found the print up the other day!!! )
This only fueled the fire of passion for the experimental and strange.
As I launch my first web site / Get picked to play Coachella
I cant help but think about my friend and how we would push one another to excel, succeed.
We worked together many years creating songs and sounds on variety's of synthesizers and drum units. When I was 16 I got a job at a local music store. I remember how excited we both were to have a chance to play with whatever we wanted and to have a hefty discount on items!
I worked at that place for 5 years and acquired a massive collection of toys, So did my friend.
This was the dream of two young futurists. I remember his father one day came in the studio
stopped looked around at the overwhelming amount of synthesizers drum machines and other strange objects and said "Are you guys planing on launching a rocket?"
As I sit and look at my selection of keys, samplers and drum machines I can only think
I would give it all away to have my best friend back just for one day.
I sit and listen to new music and think G would have loved this.
So after 2 years the pain is still great and the loss is still fresh.
I hope i can live up to the standards we set for each other.
I miss the critique.
He was always pushing me to become better.
So here is the first step
Wish my friend could see this site, it would make him proud.
Create unique media and spread the wealth of creativity. > VIDEO < by - G.P.A.
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